Last year is gone I am happy to say I had my challenges almost every day But a brand new year is a brand new start And life will be good I feel it in my heart.
They say do not look back They say just stay on track Don’t be discouraged, don’t let it get you down Otherwise you waste your year with lots of frowns.
So let this new year begin I say this with a grin Each day I know I can overcome the challenges – there will be some.
But the good times I know Will outweigh the bad though And moving forward I can see I will be happy as I can be.
Compulsive shopping also is known as shopping addiction, compulsive buying disorder, oniomania and compulsive spending. There are more than 18 million adults in the US who are struggling with compulsive shopping. It is described as a compulsion to buy things or spend money regardless of financial means and need.
A person who is suffering from shopping addiction feels like he cannot control his behavior. This is more common in females as compared to males. While shopping is considered a recreational activity or a treat, compulsive shopping is a serious mental health disorder and can cause severe consequences.
Shopping addicts are addicted to a certain product such as shoes, clothes or jewelry. They buy anything they are addicted to from food to cosmetics to real estate. They are not capable of resisting their inner urges to spend excessively or to make purchase repeatedly even if they don’t need the product or cannot afford it.
Unfortunately, the person who is suffering from shopping addiction will experience the same high or rush like a drug addict gets while abusing drugs. And once our brain starts associating shopping with the high or rush, a person recreates it, again and again, to experience the rush repeatedly.
There’s little known about this addiction. Studies show that the average age of a shopping addict is approx. 30 years while other research suggests that it occurs at the age between 18 and 20. That is when people are able to get their own credit cards. This topic needs more research.
Symptoms of Shopping Addiction:
Like any normal addict, people who are suffering from shopping addiction tend to hide their problem by lying to their friends, coworkers, spouses and family members.
Many compulsive shoppers reflect an image of being rich or having plenty of money to spend but in reality, they are sinking deep in debts. If you or someone you know cannot stop shopping even if having a high amount of shopping debts to pay, the shopping addiction is to blame for their problems.
Symptoms exhibited by shopping addict:
Making frequent purchases of the same type of items
Being over-obsessed for their purchase
View shopping as a method to cope with stress and anxiety
Max out their credit card limits or get a new one without clearing the due balance of the previous one
Feeling really excited or euphoria after making a purchase
Making purchase unnecessarily or buying things that go unused
Lie or steal to continue shopping
Regretting their purchase but unable to stop shopping
Continue to shop even after being unable to pay their debts
Trying to limit their purchase but failing repeatedly
Treatment for Shopping Addiction:
In comparison with other behavioral addiction, shopping addiction is more typical to manage as people are making purchases every day; it is a part of our day-to-day lives. We need to buy food regularly, clothes, personal products etc. Shopping addiction cannot be treated by simply putting a halt on shopping.
Some experts suggest that the cash flow to be ‘cut off’ for compulsive buyers, depending on the severity of addiction.
Someone else should monitor the expense of compulsive buyers. They should be the in charge of their finances. Some rare patients of shopping addiction may need to go inpatient addiction recovery program due to their behaviors.
Mostly shopping addiction can be cured through individual counseling and behavioral therapy. They help addicts to learn how to control their impulse of buying and identify the triggers.
In some cases, shopping addiction may arise from a deeper emotional or mental issue. If the cause of addiction is depression or some other mental health condition then medication can be helpful. In such cases, a mental health expert can help you to correctly diagnose the condition and prescribe you the necessary treatment.
Treatment of shopping addiction may include:
Interrupting the concern self-perpetuating cycle
Facing and accepting the issue
Discovering new and healthy ways of feeling, acting, and thinking.
It is also advised to create a support network of family, friends or others with shopping addiction to overcome this issue. It provides a better and healthy way for addicts to return back to healthy behaviors.
Just like any other addiction, a compulsive buyer can relapse but with proper treatment strategies and counseling, they can learn the coping skills to get back on the road to recovery.
Thank you for visiting website and reading this Is Compulsive Shopping Really an Addiction article post. We hope it was informative, useful and helpful.
Natural Nordic
Nutrition journey in life is full of new discoveries, this web site attempts to
explore the geographical location of the Nordic region, and seek out the
features that are unique to the northern hemisphere.
The proximity of the
far north to the Arctic has evolved over time to create its unique environment,
flora, and fauna. The local biodiversity
with food ingredients have developed over a long period, they exist there
naturally for a reason, and they support the inhabitants of the area.
The early pioneers
were a nomadic people; they grazed, traveled, hunted and fished to stay alive
as nomadic people do. There was deep respect to their environment; the land,
the soil, the vegetation, the trees, the climate, seasons, their elders and
their beliefs and mythology.
Life on our planet has
changed dramatically over the last 5000 years, even more so in the previous 500
years and also with the current extreme push of technology over the last 100 years.
Some things are
constant; the need for food and nutrition, good health and lifestyle are one of
them, the importance of knowing Which Food is Good is critical.
A noticeable change
that has occurred in the last 5000 years is how people found food, and how and
when they consumed the diet that they found.
The nomadic people often traveled and grazed during their travels. More
so during the summer season, food was much more plentiful during the spring,
summer and autumn season. They would
have taken advantage of that natural supply; the bright berry season only came
around once in a year similar to other ingredients and food items that peaked
at a certain various time of the year.
The modern day
lifestyle is a stark contrast to the above, the food supply today is artificially
manufactured, stored and supplied. People are no longer reliant on the natural
cycles and natural provisions, the original work and the seasons. This can be confusing to the human mind at a
deep level, and also to their physical being.
Artificially fed food, supplied artificially to large storage areas
(shops), food created for the pleasure of the experience that diet can provide
(restaurants), and not for the nutritional needs and health, that food can
supply. Also the physical activity as
being necessary for strength and stamina for everyday travel on foot, and to
burn the fuel that is stored on the human body as fat.
Food has always been
part of social events and annual celebrations, e.g., as a community, the spring
festival and the autumn harvest festival.
Also other festivals during the summer, they could have been around
anything; the berry festival, the Cod festival, the Baltic Herring festival,
the salmon festival, the crab festival or the summer solstice. There has always been the event, occasion and
the pleasure associated with consuming food. It has ballooned exponentially in
the last few hundred years, if you consider the contrast between a nomadic
tribe feasting on a whole roasted deer, to the indulgence of the French Cuisine
aboard the ship Titanic.
The point is this, the
essential Nutritional requirements of the human body, with the need for all of
the 7 nutritional types. When food was being fished and hunted, picked and
foraged, planted and grown, there was a personal investment of time and effort
in the involvement of finding, planting, preparing, cooking and storing of food
items, and they were also handed down from parents to children. It was very
much ingrained in the culture and tradition from one generation to another.
In today’s society
there are supermarket shelves full of sugar-loaded insulin spiked items, with
bright artificial colors and additives, they are colored bright to attract and
fool the naive, inexperienced young, and hungry person, that it has the same
color as a strawberry, or raspberry, or maybe a bilberry, so it must be useful
for you. Their designed ultimate
objective is to give the consumer passive pleasure while they watch the TV or
their favorite movies.
Nature has a lot to
offer and teach, it knows the full story from the beginning to the end, it has
observed, watched and fed the environment and everything in it since the
beginning of time. It is only relatively recently that modern society has
started to isolate themselves from Nature and the natural cycles of the
seasons. An obsessed western society
with blind consumerism and mindless grand scale building projects does not meet
the essential needs of humanity and their well being.
Natural Nordic is a virtual trip to a specific and unique geographic area, it
has its own history, story, culture, tradition, and essential ingredients. The early pioneers of the north traveled,
explored, lived and interacted daily with Nordic Nature. Much of that environment and nature is still
alive today and can be, explored, visited and enjoyed and communicate in the
same way as the early pioneers did so many years ago.
You may be an editor,
publisher, writer, journalist or tourist.
No matter what your role, you may need information and digital images of
the Nordic region.
Please contact Natural Nordic Nutrition by email to request the images you are interested in purchasing.
Thank you for visiting website and reading this Bloggers Guide To east Lapland Finland article. For similar content visit website and the Face book pages, Arctic Finland, Natural Nordic Nutrition, Nordic Berry Pictures, and Lapland Guide.
So, your son’s school does not offer any extracurricular activities. You are worried about depriving your child of all that extra knowledge and fun. What should you do?
After school activities need not be taught in a school-like environment by professional teachers in a structured and timely manner. There is a lot YOU can do to support your child’s academic, physical and social
development. Do not be too concerned about formal programs, as many of our children are already over-scheduled.
Obviously, school is a top priority for children. They need to go to school and finish their homework. They should then do their daily reading or writing work etc. This may take about 30-60 minutes. In the course of his daily work, your child may develop certain academic preferences and interests. In that case, you can try and find a program in a college or a
community center that will help him and encourage him. In the age of the Internet, information is really not a rarity. Allow him to use the net to find more information about the thing that he likes. Encouraging the child to do independent research to gain in-depth knowledge is something that no formal program does.
If you are concerned about the lack of social life, enroll him or her in a club – a reading club maybe. Visit public libraries or even the theatre, if your child is interested. It is not necessary for your child to make friends with children his own age. A parent-child book club is another interesting option. If you can round up a number of like-minded children and their parents, you may well start your own after-school program.
When there is no organized group activity, look to your community. Many children love to get involved in social problems. They get their first real taste of suffering, charity and community help from such experiences.
Volunteering for clean-up sessions, adult education programs, etc could be a real eye-opener for your child. The lessons thus learned are invaluable.
If a physical activity or the lack of it is your major concern, enroll your child for some dancing classes. If organized sports are impossible to get, try to enroll her in a gym. She may find friends there and may take to the treadmill.
Your child does not necessarily have to be a part of an organized group to benefit from after-school activities. There are various avenues open in front of you. Roping in the enthusiasm of your children in daily household activities like cooking, cleaning, etc can also provide them with a refreshing extracurricular experience. Moreover, it will improve family ties too.
Art-based activities
A recent report by several independent researchers concludes that participating in the arts nurtures the development of social, personal and cognitive skills. Programs based on Arts can improve academic achievement and decrease the tendency towards delinquency. It helps youth form positive attitudes about themselves and builds self-esteem.
Arts programs involve communication, interpretation, and understanding of complex symbols, much like mathematics and languages. Thus it fosters higher-order analytical skills and skills of evaluation and synthesis. Many of the programs make the child regularly use multiple skills thus making him dynamic and versatile.
Development of imagination, judgment, and philosophy are fringe benefits of an arts-based activity. As opposed to the short 45-minute duration of the art classes at school, the extra time allowed in after-school activities allows the child to get more involved. This results in more satisfactory opportunities for the development of latent capabilities in the child. In turn, the child learns to set high standards of achievement. He understands what sustained focus is and learns that regular practice is the way to excellence.
In the shy or the withdrawn child, theatre, speech or drama lessons may be an outlet for pent up emotions. As drama entails getting into the ‘skin’ of another person, the child learns to verbalize emotions and express thoughts. These reasons account for the popularity of arts-based
How important is discipline when it comes to after-school programs? Since most of the activities are recreational, does a program have to adhere to strict rules? Discipline is just as important here as it is in
activities that pertain to the school. The child is sent to a program
because you want him to learn more. Discipline in one form or the other is necessary to facilitate learning.
Every program should begin by laying down the rules. The supervisor or teacher should explain each rule and can thus prevent future mishaps. Misbehavior should be addressed as and when it occurs. Deal with the problem in such a manner that it causes the least disruption. It is unwise to turn a blind eye to misbehavior because it catches on like fire, and soon you will have a bunch of unruly children on your hands. Besides, however much they resist it, children like to operate within the safety net of strict guidelines and rules.
When a child misbehaves, it is mostly due to a craving for attention. A supervisor should observe the children and find out what the child ants. Talk to the child so that you can understand what he or she wants. Appropriate disciplinary measures should be taken if there are no apparent reasons for bad behavior.
After school safety – tips and reminders
When parents send their children for after-school programs, they take it for granted that the child is safe. But since the number of children participating in these activities has increased, it is necessary to look into safety issues.
Children are vulnerable when they are outside the classes. While going or returning, they should know the safest route to take. Many kids hang out with their friends just after these classes. Find out ‘danger zones’ from your neighbors and make the children aware of these.
The child has to know how to handle emergencies. It is better to discuss various scenarios with your child. Tell her what she should do in case the class is suddenly canceled. Show her the first-aid kit at home and make sure she knows whom to call in an emergency. Post any important contact information in a place that is easily accessible to the child. If the child will be alone at home, discuss a few unexpected things with her.
Tell her to use the safety chain ALWAYS.
Relay on your neighbors and friends when needed. Let your child know who can be contacted at times of emergency. Ask your child to check in by phone. Above all, always tell the child to be in a group. Visiting toilets all alone or going home via isolated streets must be avoided.
After school program – recreational vs. educational
So, your child is beginning to get restless and make you anxious. He has got more time than is good for him, and you are now considering after-school programs – anything that will keep him busy for a few life-saving hours! Most after-school activities can be broadly classified into three – recreational, educational and society-oriented. The last bit usually comes in when your child is already a bit grown up and can voice his own interests.
Educational activities aimed at furthering the knowledge of your child. His general awareness, his understanding, and his memory are targeted, and he is given various techniques that will help him improve one or all of these. Programs such as intensive memory training and speed mathematics are after-school educational activities. There are academic programs that will go over your child’s homework and class work and help the child gain more in-depth knowledge in the various subjects. Thus educational programs have a definite edge over the fun and games, especially if parents feel that their child has a lot of catching up to do.
Recreational activities include sports and games, fine arts, painting, etc. The main thrust here is to have fun. Of course, classes become more competitive as the child climbs up the ladder. Many sports events, competitions, stage performances, etc. are held to encourage the child.
When we compare the merits of the two kinds of activities, I believe that recreational programs have more meat. Firstly, children do not enjoy learning unless they feel curious about something. Most academic programs are standardized courses that are not too flexible. They have a general purpose and a well laid out methodology. After some hours at school, the child may feel bored. Further study may overwhelm him and make him feel frustrated. Burnout is very much a possibility here.
Recreational programs provide a welcome break from the monotony of learning and studies. The mental challenge and physical exertion make the child feel a renewed zest and a pleasant sense of fulfillment. Group activity teaches him social skills, discipline, and patience. It is a proven fact that children involved in extracurricular activities get better grades than others. Sometimes closing the textbooks and playing a game may be the best way to handle your studies.
Whatever program you choose for your child, regular evaluation is the key to success. You will have to measure the child’s progress. If progress is unsatisfactory, shift your child out of the program. The child should also have the freedom to reject an activity if and when he feels bored with it. Generally, programs that combine the educational with the recreational are best suited especially for younger children. This way, children can have fun while they learn.
Thank you for visiting Lapland website and reading these articles on children and education. For more interesting articles visit Lapland Guide FaceBook page
ADHD refers to attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder. Most children who suffer from this disorder suffer from attention problems as well as hyperactivity. Parents of such children are well aware that inattention and hyperactivity continue throughout the day. Keeping such children busy after school hours can be as difficult as keeping them safe during the school day.
The first step while choosing the right after school activity for your child is to understand how ADHD affects him. Is your child interested in sports? Is he put off by the fierce competitiveness, or does he find it hard to get along with teammates? Does your child vocalize his feelings, or is communication a problem?
For a child suffering from ADHD, physical exercise is always beneficial. Training takes up the extra energy and helps to stimulate the brain. Team activities teach social skills and discipline. But, if your child shies away from team sports, you may want to look at activities like dancing, cycling, swimming or gymnastics. Martial arts not only teach techniques of self-defense but also teach self-control and patience.
If your child shows aversion to sport and shows an inclination towards the fine arts, you may need to look at some other options. Acting classes are a fantastic form of creative exercise. It also provides the child with ample opportunity to develop his social skills. Music, art or dance can help the child to keep himself busy and entertained.
In case the child is not interested in any of the above, you may want him to join a Boy Scouts club or other community-oriented clubs that take up social work. Cleaning a park, putting on a show, helping out in an old age home are various activities that may pique your child’s interest.
Whatever form of activity you choose, make sure that you monitor your child’s progress periodically. If you feel that there is no progress, you may need to change the activity. Anything that increases your child’s self-esteem is good. You may enlist the help of the coach or teacher to assess your child’s development.
Certain activities are detrimental to a child suffering from ADHD. Computer and video games are a definite NO. Since these games need no interaction, children will feel all the more isolated. These children also find it difficult to distinguish between good and bad messages. They may, therefore, show an inclination to stick to words that are not needed. Games that require the child to sit and wait for his turn patiently tax his patience and will not be a success.
Although you would want these children to be as near to normal as possible, understanding their needs and limits will help you select the right after school activity – one that is fulfilling, tiring as well as challenging.
Thank you for visiting website and reading these articles on After school activity for the hyperactive child. For more information visit FaceBook Page,
Trying to quit smoking is not easy, learning the exact reason why you actually smoke is often critical to the success of the project. If you discover the exact reason why you are smoking it can make it so much easier to actually determine how to find the success that you need, in order to quit for good. Simply trying to quit for reasons that do not pertain to your situation will leave you upset and frustrated. You are likely to feel as if you are nothing more than a failure, and your overall situation is not likely to be impressive at all. However, if you take the time to discover why you specifically smoke, you will be surprised at just how much easier it is to stop.
Many people smoke for a wide range of reasons. They can range from something as innocent as smoking when you are depressed, stressed or when you just want a quick pick me up. The idea that smoking a cigarette will make your projects go away is an innocent idea, but in reality, it is completely incorrect. Typically, what is actually beneficial is the fact that you are able to take a few brief moments out of your life to see exactly what is going on. One such example is those who work at a stressful job, looking forward to your next cigarette break is often going hand in hand with trying to break away from the stress for a few brief moments. Learning how to cut down the stress at work can be very helpful in cut down the number of cigarettes you need as well.
Other reasons that many people smoke is due to being under the impression that they will not be able to smoke. This comes back to the old idea that you are never hungry at night except for the night before a medical test when you are not allowed to eat after 8 p.m. Suddenly that very night you are positively starving and think that your doctor is punishing you badly for some reason. The same thing happens to smokers. If you are going somewhere and you think you will not be able to smoke, the urge to smoke may be much stronger. This often has nothing to do with actually needing or even wanting to smoke. It is nothing more than a mental game that we play with ourselves.
Many smokers find that they are only interested in smoking if they are bored. Having nothing to do leads to idle hands, which can easily create problems. Learning how to keep yourself busy is not easy, but trying to avoid boredom can often go a very long way in the battle to stop smoking. Taking the time to create a schedule for yourself that you can keep, without leaving too much downtime is important. If you pack your schedule with too much, you will create stress, which could cause you to smoke even more, if you have too much free time you could become bored which can also lead to smoking more. A properly balanced schedule will ensure that you are productive without stressing.
A final consideration that you need to take into account is getting plenty of sleep. Many people smoke because they need a pick me up in the middle of the day. Finding yourself in this position is not good. Avoid staying up excessively late whenever possible. Even going to bed early once a week can add up to reducing the sleep shortage that you are experiencing. As lives are increasingly busy, it is quite easy to forget how important sleep really is. This can create a huge need to do something, almost anything to actually stay awake. Avoid smoking and ensure that you are getting the rest you really need. This simple step alone can help you to cut your smoking by as much as half if you are dedicated to getting the sleep that your body really needs to survive.
Are you in the process of planning a good, relaxing vacation? If so, you want to reduce your costs. Right? After all, who wants to pay more for a vacation than they need to? If you are looking to reduce the cost of your vacation airfare, please continue reading on for how you can do so in five easy steps.
1 – Be Flexible
You are at an advantage if you are planning your vacation in advance. You should have the ability to play around with your travel dates and times. If you have yet to put in for your vacation time at work, play around for a little bit with airfare quotes. Did you know that wisely choosing the day and time that you depart for your trip could save you hundreds of dollars? In some cases, it can.
So, when is it the best time to travel? You are likely to find the best deals in the off-season. For example, if you live in the Northeast, you are not the only person who wants to go to Hawaii to escape the cold winter. Thousands of other travelers do too and airlines know this. If you want to save hundreds of dollars on your flight, travel in the off-season. For you, this would be spring and fall. Another simple way to avoid paying extra is to avoid weekend travel and holidays. The best days to fly are on Wednesdays.
2 – Compare the Rates of Airline Companies
Online, there are many ways to book a flight. You can go directly through the airline in question or a third-party travel website. Start with the airline. Perform a standard internet search with the airports you will be departing from and arriving to. Visit these websites and you will find a list of airlines that service the airport. Now, find these websites, also with a standard internet search. Request a free quote. Remember, you can experiment with your travel dates and times to find the best deals.
Make note of the airline that will get you there the fastest and the cheapest.
3 – Compare the Rates of Third-Party Travel Websites
Typically, you get better discounts by booking your flight directly through the airline company. There are, however, instances in which third-party travel websites get you the best deal. These websites include and Perform a search to see. Compare the rates to those offered by the airline company. Who is it cheaper to make your reservations with?
While on the website of a third-party travel website, also consider vacation packages. If you are in need of a hotel or car rental, play around with the features of the website. Well-known websites, like, are known for offering convenient and money-saving travel packages. With just a few clicks and one payment, you cannot only get cheap airfare but a cheap hotel and car rental too.
4 – Compare Your Findings
As previously stated, you want to compare the airfare rates of different airlines. You want to find the cheapest company to fly with. Then, you want to compare the rates of online travel websites. Is it cheaper to book your flight through these websites or the airline? Compare your findings and then make your reservations. Most passengers benefit from opting for the cheapest and shortest flights. To increase your chances of getting a good seat, book early.
5 – Monitor Your Flight
Unfortunately, there are some risks involved in booking a flight too early. If an airline notices a flight is still empty in the weeks leading up to departure, they are likely to offer discounted tickets. In most cases, an airline or third-party travel website is under no obligation to refund you the difference, but it won’t hurt to call and ask. So, if you can monitor your flight. If you notice significant savings, place a phone call. It is a long shot, but it may reduce the cost of your airfare.
Thank you for visiting Lapland Guide website and reading the Get Cheap Vacation Airfare in 5 Easy Steps article post. I hope this was informative and helpful.
If you are one of the millions of Americans who moved away after high school, you have a long-distance family. You may only get to see your parents and siblings once or twice a year. Usually, that is during a holiday. Unfortunately, the holidays are the worst and most expensive times to fly. On that same note, there are many ways that you can save money during holiday travel. How?
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Buy your ticket early. Any other time of the year, it is easy to find last minute travel deals and discounts, but not around the holidays. This is peak travel season and airlines know this. If anything, they are likely to increase the price at the last minute. They do so hoping to profit from poor planners. If you book your flight two months before the holiday, you could easily save $100.
Not only does buying your airline tickets early save you money, but it also ensures you get a seat. Right now, most airlines are losing money and very quickly. To avoid bigger losses, they are increasing airfare and offering fewer flights. Five years ago, you may have had ten Christmas flights to get you home on Delta Airlines. This year, you may only have three. If you wait until the last minute to make your reservations, you may find no available seats.
Play the waiting game. It seems ironic to wait when you were just told to book your reservations in advance. Only play the waiting game if you are planning at least four months ahead. About three months before your travel date is the best time to find good deals. This buys you some time. Monitor your interested flights or set up email alerts. Set a goal price. If the airline does not lower its price to meet your goal after one month, go with the cheapest flight available. This is another benefit of planning ahead, you have time to experiment and monitor.
Check other nearby airports. Do you have at least two or three airports within a reasonable distance to your home? What about your destination? If you are flying home to meet your mother, chances are she will not mind driving an hour to pick you up. If it saves you money, do it. Although there are no guarantees, usually the larger airports have the best deals to offer.
Arrive home for the holidays early. Usually, it is very expensive to fly a day or two before a holiday, like Christmas or Thanksgiving. If you can, arrive home a few days earlier. Spending three extra days with your family may save you $50 or more!
Accept a bump if you can. As previously stated, the holidays are a popular time to fly. Since there are fewer flights, there are more overbooked planes. If your plane is overbooked and volunteers are sought to take a later flight, try bargaining. You may be able to get an upgrade to first class, a discount on your next flight, and so forth. Just be sure to call your family back home to let them know you will be arriving late.
Finally, pack snacks. Not only will this save you money at the airport, but time too. Airports are loaded with travelers during the holidays. This not only means long lines at airport security but at eateries too. Pack a snack or a bagged lunch to avoid paying for an expensive meal and having to wait in line.
Thank you for visiting Lapland Guide website. I hope this article was informative and helpful in your search for tip and tricks for budget travel.